Senior Citizen’s Activity Centre

Text Box:        Nollamara Autumn Club (Inc)
      Activity Centre For Over 50’s

It is never too late to learn something new

We are only limited by the distorted speaking of our insecurity telling us lies as to our potential in life

Do not give in to the negative input of its suggestions for you are only as incapable as you allow yourself to be.  There is much power lying latently within each person just waiting for you to open wide the door of your mind and say..’I can do it and let no one nor anything tell me I can’t’



Playing Mahjong is an excellent way of learning Chinese.


Text Box: There are two Mahjong groups.. 
Wednesdays 1.15 p.m. (for experienced players) 
Thursdays, 12.30 p.m. (For beginners and experienced)
Different Types of Mahjong Players – Oh My MahjongFeeling depressed? Mahjong might be the answerText Box: If you’re a wiz at playing cards particularly rummy you’ll find Mahjong has relatively similar rules so I’m quite sure you will be able to master it with a little guidance from our Thursday group  120 Mah Jongg ideas | mahjong, mah, mahjong tilesText Box: Anyone can learn to play Mahjong
Funny Mahjong Design For Mahjong Game Player Lover PosterText Box: Come and join us
Text Box: Contact Lena Shim        0432868398
             Helena Raper    0423240337
             Michelina field  0409677337

$15membership fee and $2 Wednesday and $3 Thursday